Training with a digital edge: The Grothe team delivers technical expertise precisely where it is needed. In this way, qualification becomes a success factor – also in terms of economic efficiency.
Can online training have a better impact than face-to-face training? We accept this challenge every day. And the results are impressive: With integrated solutions and a lively exchange, we ensure that knowledge and action merge – to reduce security risks in your organization to a minimum.
Training with a digital edge: The Grothe team delivers technical expertise precisely where it is needed. In this way, qualification becomes a success factor – also in terms of economic efficiency.
Can online training have a better impact than face-to-face training? We accept this challenge every day. And the results are impressive: With integrated solutions and a lively exchange, we ensure that knowledge and action merge – to reduce security risks in your organization to a minimum.
Experience makes the difference.
We successfully established online live training back in 2010: With digital education and training that qualifies employees on oil rigs or other remote working environments. Specializing in continuing education in technical disciplines, we offer solutions that can be easily and effectively integrated into your daily practice.
Safety Culture at Work. Our Mission …
Wertvolles Wissen vermitteln, das Bewusstsein schärfen – und das Verhalten im Arbeitsalltag positiv verändern. Wir vom Grothe Training Team wollen einen wirksamen Beitrag leisten, um die Sicherheitskultur Ihres Unternehmens zu verbessern. Mehr Arbeitssicherheit in Ihrem Unternehmen ist unsere Definition von Erfolg. Sprechen Sie mit uns über Ihre Anforderungen.

Motivation as a success factor
»Anyone who takes responsibility for occupational safety knows that rules and regulations aren’t everything. Therefore, we focus on feedback and active exchange with the training participants. Safety orientation in everyday life can even be fun – this approach has proven its worth in practice.«
Stefan Grothe, Owner and Managing Director
For over 15 years, the Grothe team has been imparting technical knowledge in theory and practice. Our focus is on the area of safety-oriented corporate culture. We promote and optimize the understanding and awareness of safe working – across all hierarchies and company levels.
Universities and technical schools
Among others as lecturer for the Bremen University of Applied Sciences, the Jade University of Applied Sciences, the Cuxhaven Maritime School (topics: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Piston and Fluid Machinery and Heat & Combustion).
Training providers
Conception and management of seminars for bfw, IBB, German Wind Academy, Heinemann Projektberatung, IQ Bremen.
Education providers
Vocational training in the field of metal and electrical engineering – skilled workers and masters. Occupational safety topics in the fields of wind power and industry.
Various companies such as Palfinger Kranbau, Mannesmann-Rexroth, Siemens, Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration, Customs, Water Police, shipyards nationally and internationally – with the focus on occupational safety.
Safety culture starts in the head
The Grothe Training Newsletter